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Xoş gəlmisiniz, Qonaq · RSS 2025-01-15, 13:26

Əsas səhifə » Fotoşəkil albomu » Təbiət şəkilləri » Photo 7
Təsvirlər: 1370 | Ölçülər: 1024x768px/157.8Kb
Tarix: 2011-05-02 | Əlavə edən: VuSaL
Real ölçüdə görünüş
Rating: 0.0/0

Tam şərhlər: 1
1 Gerd   (2012-07-05 08:46) [Giriş]
Insurance companies ruieqre what is called an insurable interest. As long as you have a logical reason for insuring you mother then typically the carrier will let you. However, depending on the amount of coverage she already has most companies limit the amount of total insurance a person can own based on financial need. If you only talking about insuring her for a small amount, under $25,000, typically their is no issue of needing financial information to justify the coverage. If you are applying for coverage above $100,000 the insurance company may ruieqre that you show proof of financial need. You will need to have her permission and she will need to complete and sign the application and submit to any of the underwriting ruieqrements of the carrier. You can be the owner, payer and beneficiary of the policy but only with her consent.Insurance companies limit the aggregate (total) amount of insurance on a insured to prevent a beneficiary from profiting from a persons death. For example, if a person has a net worth of $100,000 the insurance company may allow the person to have.

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